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Habilitation as Adjunct Associate Professor (PD) at Vienna University of Technology (EN)

Vienna, July 2019:

Years of research with high-ranking publications, lectures and teaching at home and abroad as well as monograph on "Life cycle costs of road infrastructure" by Markus Hoffmann were honored with the habilitation as a private lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology. An exciting and challenging personal development phase was concluded with the successful habilitation colloquium and the award ceremony. Further details on the topic can be found under Habilitation or the list of publications.

Ankündigung Habilitationsvortrag Hoffmann
Announcement habilitation lecture (Picture: Hoffmann)

Prof. Norbert Ostermann und Markus Hoffmann
Presentation of habilitation colloquium at the Vienna University of Technology (Picture: Donev)
Verleihung Privatdozent an Markus Hoffmann
Awarded the title of private lecturer by Vice Rector Prof. Kurt Matyas (Picture: Rektorate)


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