VITA Markus Hoffmann
Short biography
Hoffmann, Markus, PD PhD MSc. (Adjunct Associate Professor)
Civil Engineering Studies (2001) and Doctorate (2006) at the TU Graz, 2008-2014, Research Group Leader at the Institute of Transportation Sciences at TU Wien, since 2017 collaboration with the Institute for Structural Engineering BOKU Vienna, University Lecturer since 2007 at TU Graz and since 2008 at TU Wien as well as UACG Sofia from 2010-2015. 2019 Habilitation (equal to Associate Adjunct Professor) at the Technische Universität Wien for the fields of Road Maintenance and Road Asset Management. The main focus is research on Asset Management, Life Cycle Costs, Operation and Maintenance, Digitalization, Environmental Assessment, Noise Protection, and Emissions with Software Development working as an independent Civil Engineering Consultant in Vienna since 2002.
Personal Information
Name: Markus Hoffmann, PD, PhD, MSc.
Address: A-1230 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 9971255, +43 (0) 650 9730604 (mobile)
E-Mail: (university) (office)
Nationality: Austria
Date of birth: 4th of June 1973
Family: Unmarried, 2 Children
Business areas
Research and teaching on transport infrastructure and life cycle costs
Planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of transport structures
Spatial analysis, project evaluation, strategy advice
Software development road operation & asset management systems
Advice, lectures, moderation, and training
Large infrastructure studies and research projects as a project leader
30+ Author of manuals and guidelines in the field
200+ Papers, publications and conference lectures
300+ Presentations at seminars, workshops and conferences
15+ Supervised Master Thesis at TU Vienna, TU Graz, FH, UACG Sofia
4+ Supervised PhD-Thesis
Nominated State Prize Mobility 2017 (WAMS)
Work experience and education
2010 - 2019
Adjunct Associate Professor (PD)
with Habilitation at the Vienna University of Technology – Institute of Transportation
and monography „Life Cycle Costs of Road Infrastructures“
detailed information on monography
since 2016
Cooperation with BOKU – Institute of Structural Engineering (Prof. Strauss)
since 2014
Cooperation with TU Vienna – Institut of Transportation (Prof. Blab)
2008 - 2014
Postdoc and Head of the research group “for design, operation and maintenance of roads” with the acquisition of research funds, heading research projects and lectures (TU Vienna/Graz/UACG Sofia)
Civil engineer examination (Chamber of Engineers for Styria and Carinthia)
2002 - 2006
Ph.D. at Technical University Graz – Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning
with the monography „Rehabilitation of Roads“
since 2002
Independent consultant for transportation and traffic management as well as regional and spatial planning
Membership and functions
since 2010
Member Austrian Research Association Road, Rail Transport (FSV)
Working Committee Economic Efficiency of Investments (FSV)
Working Committee Pavement Management (FSV)
Working Committee Winter Maintenance (FSV)
since 2011
Member society for maintenance & road construction technology with asphalt (Gestrata)
Lecturer Construction Seminars 2012 and 2013
since 2016
Member International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE
The organizer of several symposia with session chairs
Teaching at the university level
2007 - now
VO 209.478 „Design and Maintenance of Road Infrastructures“ TU Graz (Master 3 ECTS – German)
2008 - 2014
VO 233.039 „Road planning and environmental protection“ TU Wien (Master 3 ECTS - German)
2008 - now
VO 230.012 „Road maintenance and infrastructure management“ TU Wien (Master 3 ECTS - German)
VO 233.030 „Road engineering“ (Bachelor 3 ECTS - German) TU Wien
2010 - 2015
VO CEEPUS „Road planning and environmental protection “ UACG Sofia (Master 3 ECTS – German/English)
representing Prof. Ronald. Blab
Research awards and honors
2x Journal Papers among the 10 most read in the International Journal of Pavement Engineering -
2x Top Paper Award at the Transport Research Arena 2018 in Vienna
All supervised PhD-Students graduated with distinction
Nomination State Prize Mobility 2017 for the project Waterway Asset Management System WAMS together
with TU Wien and viadonau -
KFV-Research prize 2017 for innovations for safe road traffic for the supervised Dissertation
of DI. Dr. Peter Nutz on the topic “Optimization of winter maintenance” -
Peter-Faller- Junior Research Award 2016 of the ÖVG for the supervised Dissertation
of DI. Dr. Katrin Haselbauer on the topic of “Asset management of transport infrastructures”
List of Publications and link TU Vienna
Congress participation (selection)
09/2023 EUROSTRUCT 2023 Quality Control Bridges and Structures in Vienna
07/2023 IALCCE 2023 World life cycle cost conference in Milano
02/2022 PIARC International Winter Road Congress in Calgary with chair/presentations, Canada
11/2021 Aachener Straßenbau- und Verkehrstage (SETAC) auf Einladung, Aachen
10/2020 IALCCE 2020 World life cycle cost conference with chair/presentations in Shanghai, China
03/2019 Cost Conference 1406 with Keynote and Presentation in Guimarães, Portugal
10/2018 IALCCE 2018 World life cycle cost conference with chair/presentations in Delft, BE
05/2018 PIANC 2018 World maritime conference with chair/presentations in Panama
04/2018 European Transport Research Arena 2018 with chair/presentations in Vienna, AT
02/2018 International Winter Road Congress with chair/presentations in Danzig, PL
06/2017 World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management with presentations in Baveno, IT
10/2016 IALCCE 2016 World life cycle cost conference with chair/presentations in Delft, NE
07/2016 MAIREPAV Conference on Pavement Maintenance with presentations in Singapur
04/2016 European Transport Research Arena 2016 with chair/presentations in Warschau, PL
Training and lectures (selection)
10/2021 Lecture Innovative Winter Maintenance in Upper Austria
09/2021 Lecture ASTRAD - Effective, sustainable, and non-corrosive de-icing agents in winter maintenance.
01/2020 Lecture Pavement Management for the Cita of Vienna
12/2019 Final presentation research projekt RISKMON for OEBB and ASFINAG
10/2019 Winter maintenance training and lectures Upper Austria road administration
10/2019 Lecture on selected topics of the habilitation in the road administration of Styria
09/2019 Lecture Pavement Management in a workshop with ETH-Zürich and ASTRA in Vienna
06/2019 Life cycle costs of road infrastructure, Habilitation lecture at TU Vienna
10/2018 Winter maintenance training in ASG/ASFINAG, and road administration of Carinthia and Upper Austria
04/2018 Lecture on preventive winter maintenance at a special conference in Krems on the Danube
10/2017 Lecture on the reduction of salt used for the city association in Austria
05/2017 Lecture on preventive winter maintenance and hoarfrost at ASTRAD in Wels