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As part of the university education at the Vienna University of Technology - Institute for Transport Sciences and the Graz University of Technology - Institute of Highway Engineering and Transport Planning, lectures are offered on the subject of road planning, road maintenance and infrastructure management. Furthermore, the supervision of scientific work at Master and PhD - level is taken on from case to case.

TU Vienna VO 233.039 "Road planning and environmental protection"



2008 - 2014

Evaluation results

1.5 (2009); 1.0 (2012)


The lecture is an elective/compulsory subject at the Institute of Transport Sciences at the Vienna University of Technology and was held from 2008 to 2014 as part of the master’s course (066 467 master’s degree in civil engineering - infrastructure planning and management) and at UABG Sofia from 2010 to 2015 in Sofia. It serves to deepen the basics of traffic and roads planing in the lecture contents, has a scope of 3 ECTS credits and was offered blocked in one week.

Script and course content

The script for the lecture was completely redesigned when the course was taken over and is based on the lecture slides with additional explanatory text, graphics and literature references. In the last version in 2014, it consisted of 6 blocks with sub-chapters, at the end of which the most important aspects are briefly summarized. The script had 516 pages, was continuously revised based on new knowledge and is still available to students digitally and analogously:


  1. Traffic planning & the environment: basics, relationships between location and traffic, strategic environmental assessment SEA, environmental impact assessment EIA

  2. Environmental protection in road construction: noise protection, pollution spread, traffic calming, bird protection, amphibian protection, wildlife protection

  3. Project planning basics: traffic parameters, performance (HCM, RSTO, ÜAS), driving dynamics & driving geometry, design and safety, side room design

  4. Routing and project planning: Open-air roads (including special features of streets A + S + B + L), rural streets and paths, streets in the local area, bicycles, pedestrians and auxiliary systems, stationary traffic

  5. Traffic control: traffic nodes with and without LSA, guidance devices (VZ, guide posts, restraint systems), ground marking, traffic management in construction sites

  6. Road drainage: Planning principles, types of road drainage, dimensioning, conception and planning implementation


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TU Vienna VO 233.012 "Road maintenance and infrastructure management"



2008 - today


Evaluation results

1.2 (2009); 2.0 (2010); 2.0 (2013)


The lecture VO 230.012 "Road Maintenance and Infrastructure Management" is an elective/compulsory subject at the Institute for Transport Sciences at the Vienna University of Technology and is held annually in the summer semester from 2009 until today as part of the master’s course (066 467 master’s degree in civil engineering - infrastructure planning and management). It serves as an introduction to the theory and practice of asset management in the amount of 3 ECTS credits and is held in a block each week. The particular importance of economy and sustainability results from the imparting of a holistic view of all systems in the life cycle and of the necessary skills and technical aspects as a common thread throughout the lecture.

Script and course content

The script for the lecture was completely redesigned when the course was taken over and is based on the lecture slides with additional explanatory text, graphics and literature references. The script was continually supplemented by new knowledge from the habilitation project, as of 2018, comprises around 260 pages and is available to students digitally and analogously. The following contents are conveyed in the script:

  1. Introduction: Introduction, boundary conditions and trends, overview and terms, task and goals, levels and building blocks life cycle, PMS and asset management,

  2. Road condition recording and condition forecast: track structure & stress, damage catalogue and estimation aid, condition features and condition assessment, models of deterministic and stochastic condition forecast

  3. Planning of measures: catalogue of measures, maintenance, repair and maintenance strategies, planning of requirements and construction program, quality assurance

  4. Profitability studies: Financial principles, lifecycle costs operator, lifecycle costs users, lifecycle costs third parties/environment, critical considerations of profitability

  5. Methods of needs analysis: selected strategy models, model simulations and presentation of results, an example of rural/municipal road construction, an example of high-level road construction, practical example of PMS, WAMS.


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TU Graz VO 209.478 "Design and maintenance of the road infrastructures"



2007 - today


Evaluation results

2.0 (2009); 1.3 (2011)



The lecture contents were originally a mixture of the topics VO 233.039 "Road Planning and Project Planning" and VO 230.012 "Road Maintenance and Infrastructure Management" and were switched to the contents of the latter lecture in 2017/18.




UACG Sofia CEEPUS "Road Planning and Project Planning"



2010 - 2014


Evaluation results




The lecture content largely corresponds to that from VO 233.039 "Road planning and environmental protection" (2008 - 2014) at the Vienna University of Technology




Vienna University of Technology VO 233.030 “Road construction”



(2013 representing Prof. Blab together with Prof. Hofko)


Evaluation results




The lecture content includes an introduction to the road system; road planning; design basics; road construction technology and basics of road rehabilitation as well as maintenance.

Supervised PhD - Thesis


DONEV, V. (2020); Advanced Optimization Approach for Pavement Management Systems; PhD - Thesis ISBN: 978-3-901912-XX; Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology Issue 37; Vienna (in publication)

NUTZ, P. (2016); Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Winterdienstmodells; PhD - Thesis ISBN: 978-3-901912-32-0; Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology Issue 32; Vienna (German)

HASELBAUER, K. (2015); Transport Infrastructure Asset Management – A holistic framework for transport infrastructure asset management applied on inland waterways; PhD - Thesis ISBN: 978-3-901912-33-7 Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology Issue 33; Vienna 




Supervised Master Thesis


WEINMAR, A. (2014); Instandsetzung von Tunnelanlagen; Master Thesis University of Applied Sciences Vienna; (German)


DONEV, V. (2014); Erhaltungsmanagement Straßenoberbau – Zustandsbewertung und Zustandsprognose; ISBN: 978-3-901912-31-3 Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology Issue 31; Vienna. (German)


SHISHKOV, A. (2014); Auswahl der Straßenknotenart beim Kreuzen der Autobahn "Trakia" A1 mit der Landstraße E 85; Betreuer/in(nen): R. Blab, M. Hoffmann; Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


KUTTNER, A. (2013); Empirische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des optimalen Ersatzzeitpunktes von Schwermaschinen in der Rohstoffaufbereitung; Betreuer M. Hoffmann; University of Applied Sciences Hamburg


OEZER, S. (2013); Instandsetzung von Stahlbetonbrücken; weitere Betreuer/in(nen): C. Polzer, M. Vill; Masterstudiengang Bautechnische Abwicklung internationaler Großprojekte; University of Applied Sciences Vienna; (German)


STOYANA, G. (2012); Instandsetzung von Straßenbrücken: Schadens- und Maßnahmenkataloge; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


POPOVA, V. (2011); Instandhaltungs- und Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen für Betonfahrbahnen; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


GLAVAS, P. (2011); Kostenkennwerte für den Brücken-Neubau; with Supervisor T. Lorenz; FH Joanneum (German)


ANTUNOVIC, N. (2011); Kosten- und Maßnahmenstandards für die Instandsetzung von Straßenbrücken; with Supervisor T. Lorenz; FH Joanneum (German)


YOVCHEV, K. (2011); Laborversuche zur Optimierung der Feuchtsalzstreuung; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


NUTZ, P. (2010); Beitrag zur Optimierung des Winterdienstes in Österreich; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


SABEV, D. (2010); Instandhaltungs- und Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen für Asphaltfahrbahnen; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


KOLEVA, R. (2010); Erhaltungsfreundliches Planen und Bauen von Straßenanlagen; with Supervisor Prof. R. Blab, Institute of Transportation Vienna University of Technology (German)


JEREB, J. (2010); Erhaltungsmanagement für Gemeindestraßen in der Steiermark; with Supervisor W. Prachersdorfer; FH Joanneum (German)


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