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Updated List of Publications (EN)

Vienna, January 2022:

Rehabilitation of Roads and Asset Management (DE)

BERGMEISTER, K. & STRAUSS, A. & HOFFMANN, M. (12/2021); Digitale Zustandserfassung von Gebäuden, Infrastrukturbauwerken und Naturgefahren; in Beton-Kalender 2022 Schwerpunkte: Instandsetzung, Beton und Digitalisierung; Ernst & Sohn Verlag ISBN: 9783433610855; DOI: 10.1002/9783433610879.ch8 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2021); Innovatives Pavement Management mit Lebenszykluskosten; Invited lecture Aachen Road Construction and Traffic Days (SETAC); Aachen [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2021); Grundzüge der Straßenerhaltung und des Straßenbetriebes; Invited lecture KDZ Road Master Course; St. Pölten/Vienna [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & PELLER, G. (2021); Road Asset Management – Digitalization and Life Cycle Costs; Invited lecture at the Croatian Motorway Directorate; Zagreb

HOFFMANN, M. (2020); Digitalisierung der Straßeninfrastruktur - Pilotprojekt Drohnenbefliegung Landesstraßen Steiermark; Invited lecture Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; Vienna/Graz [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2021); Asset Management Strategie für Schutzanlagen des ÖBB Naturgefahrenmanagements; Result report and invited lecture for ÖBB-INFRA; Vienna

HOFFMANN, M. (2021); Pavement und Asset Management Straßeninfrastruktur Vienna; Invited lecture City of Vienna, [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & DOLLESCHAL, T. & STRAUSS, A. (2020); FFG-Forschungsprojekt RISKMON; Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse für das VIF2020 Kick-Off am 18.11.2020; nvited lecture by the Research Promotion Agency FFG, Vienna [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. & SCHÖNBERGER, C. (2020); Snowfall events, simulation models and life cycle cost optimization for avalanche protection measures of transport infrastructures; Seventh International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2020 in Shanghai 27th to 30st of October 2020; Taylor & Francis Group, DOI: 10.1201/9780429343292-145

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2020); Deterministic and stochastic continuous condition prediction with optimal treatment timing under uncertainty and risk for single assets and complex systems; in Structural Concrete - Wiley Verlag

MOLD, L. & AUER, M. & STRAUSS, A. & HOFFMANN, M. & TÄUBLING, B. (2021); Non-destructive detection of damages in concrete with thermal imaging; in Yokata, H.; Frangopol, D.M. (Eds.), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations, International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety; ISBN: 978-0-367-23278-8; CRC Press; DOI: 10.1201/9780429279119-13

STRAUSS, A. & SATTLER, F. & HOFFMANN, M. & APOSTOLIDI, E. (2021); Performance indicators for European bridge management; in Yokata, H.; Frangopol, D.M. (Eds.), Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Sustainability and Innovations, International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety; ISBN: 978-0-367-23278-8; CRC Press; DOI: 10.1201/9780429279119-271

MOLD, L. & AUER, M. & STRAUSS, A. & HOFFMANN, M. & TÄUBLING, B. (2020); Thermografie zur Erfassung von Schäden an Brückenbauwerken; in BAUTECHNIK Verlag Ernst & Sohn; DOI: 10.1002/bate.201800057 [German]

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2020); Aggregation of condition survey data in pavement management: shortcomings of a homogeneous sections approach and how to avoid them; Journal: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (NSIE), Published Online: 24 Feb 2020; DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2020.1730409

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2020); Benefit maximisation based on aggregated condition indices: drawbacks for selection of pavement treatments; International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Published Online: 24 Feb 2020; DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2020.1728533

HOFFMANN, M. & DOLLESCHAL, T. & STRAUSS, A. (2019); RISKMON - Anlageninspektion und RISK-MONitoring mit Hochleistungsdrohnen und Sensorik; FFG – Research Project (VIF2016) im Auftrag von ÖBB, ASFINAG, BMVIT mit BOKU – IKI, IQ-Soft and Bladescape as projekt partner (Final report 11/2019) [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2019); Lebenszykluskosten der Straßeninfrastruktur - Optimierung von Investitionsstrategien und technischen Maßnahmen, Bau- und Betriebsweisen für Straßenanlagen in ihrem Lebenszyklus; ISBN 978-3-901912-36-8, Habilitation Thesis (Monography) at the TU Wien - Institute for Transportation; Vienna; 560 S [German]

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. (2019); Comparison of optimization approaches for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation policies on road section and network level; Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2018 in Ghent 28th to 31st of October 2018; ISBN 978-1-138-62633-1 Taylor & Francis Group, London

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. (2018); Optimization of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation activities, timing and work zones for short survey sections and multiple distress types; DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2018.1502433 International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Taylor & Francis; 25 pages, submitted on 08 Jan. 2018; accepted 14th of July 2018

HOFFMANN, M. (2018); Long-term forecasting and assessment of road infrastructure investment needs based on standardized life cycles; selected as “Top Paper” with recommendation for the ETRR Journal in the Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. (2017); Condition prediction and estimation of service life in the presence of data censoring and dependent competing risks; International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Taylor & Francis; 19 Pages; Received 14 Aug 2016, Accepted 05 Feb 2017, Published online: 21 Feb 2017; DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2017.1293264

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. (2017b); Network-level optimization of pavement M&R activities, timing and work-zone length for multiple distress types; World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management, WCPAM Milan, Italy - June 12/16, 2017; DOI: 10.1201/9780429264702-78

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2017); Optimization of pavement M&R activities and work zones with user costs for multiple distress types; peer reviewed conference proceedings World Conference on Pavement and Asset Management, WCPAM2017 Milan, Italy - June 12/16, 2017; DOI: 10.1201/9780429264702-77

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2017); Comparison of pavement condition prediction and life cycle cost models on road section and network level; Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2016 in Delft 16th to 19th of October 2016; ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0 in Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure; Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds); Taylor & Francis Group, London; DOI: 10.1201/9781315375175-214

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2017); Optimization of maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement strategies on road pavements; Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2016 in Delft 16th to 19th of October 2016; ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0 in Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure; Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds); Taylor & Francis Group, London; DOI: 10.1201/9781315375175-220

HOFFMANN, M. (2017); Holistic asset management and life cycle costs of road tunnels; in: "Life - Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems", Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2016 in Delft 16th to 19th of October 2016; ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0 in Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure; Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel (Eds); Taylor & Francis Group, London; Doi: 10.1201/9781315375175-215

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V (2016); Methods for selection of optimal pavement maintenance and rehabilitation strategies at single-section and network level; Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements MAIREPAV8; 27th to 29th of July 2016 Singapore with Conference Proceedings; DOI: 10.3850/978-981-11-0449-7-121-cd

DONEV, V. & HOFFMANN, M. (2016); Pavement performance prediction and estimation of service life in the presence of censored condition data; Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements MAIREPAV8; 27th to 29th of July 2016 Singapore with Conference Proceedings; DOI: 10.3850/978-981-11-0449-7-120-cd

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2016); Introduction of a new continuous time and state space stochastic process in condition prediction; International Journal of Pavement Engineering; Taylor & Francis; 16 Pages; Received: 15 Sep 2015; Accepted: 2 Mar 2016; Published online: 25 Mar 2016; DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2016.1162304

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. (2014); Probabilistic modelling of flexible pavement performance and LCC – based service lives with failure distributions; in: "Life - Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems", Published by: IALCCE 2014; Taylor and Francis Group, London, London; DOI: 10.1201/b17618-294

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & HABERL, A. & BLAB, R. & DIEPLINGER, K. & HASENBICHLER H. P. (2013); Neue Ansätze im Pavement Management am Beispiel der Radwege an der Donau; in Straße / Autobahn Heft Nr. 5/2013, S338-345 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2013); Advanced deterministic life cycle costing algorithm in Pavement Management; 5th EATA Conference 3rd to 5th of June 2013 (peer reviewed, accepted, withdrawn); Braunschweig

HOFFMANN, M. (2013); Advanced probabilistic life cycle costing algorithm in Pavement Management; 5th EATA Conference 3rd to 5th of June 2013 (peer reviewed, accepted, withdrawn); Braunschweig

HOFFMANN, M. (2013); Erhaltungsmanagement von Straßen; Manuskript LVA 233.043 an der TU Wien Ausgabe 2013; 321 Seiten [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2013); Lebenszykluskosten von Brücken – Kosten, Wirkdauer, Finanzbedarf und Optimierung; Invited lecture with proceedings at the ZT - Forum Cost Optimization in Bridge Maintenance - Innovative Ideas for Styria in Graz on 05 June 2013 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2013); Zustandsauswertung Landesstraßen Steiermark – Oberbau mit Erfassungsdaten 2012; unpublished evaluation and project report commissioned by the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; Vienna – Graz [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2012); Das Erhaltungsmanagement der Straßeninfrastruktur der ASFINAG - Analyse und Bewertung der angewandten Methoden; confidential research report commissioned by ASFINAG; Vienna; 159 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2012); Systematisches Erhaltungsmanagement mit Lebenszykluskosten; Contribution to Gestrata Journal Vol 135; 2012, p. 14-24 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & KAMMERSBERGER, A. (2012); Asset management and life cycle cost optimization for bridges on network, asset and element level; Third international Symposium on Life Cycle Engineering IALCCE 3rd to 6th of October 2012 (peer reviewed); ISBN: 978-0-415-62126-7 in Life - Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems", Published by: IALCCE 2012; Taylor and Francis Group, London, London, 2012, 10 S.

HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2012); A standardized life cycle costing framework for flexible and rigid pavements in Austria; Third international Symposium on Life Cycle Engineering IALCCE 3rd to 6th of October 2012 (peer reviewed); ISBN: 978-0-415-62126-7 in Life - Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems", Published by: IALCCE 2012; Taylor and Francis Group, London, London, 2012, 10 S.

HOFFMANN, M. & SCHOPF, J. M. & BLAB, R. (2012e); Effiziente Straßenplanung - Stochastische Entscheidungsparameter für die Straßenplanung im Lebenszyklus; in Straßenverkehrstechnik, Nr. 2 (2012), S. 82 – 89 [German]

BLAB, R. & HOFFMANN, M. & LANGER, M. & MARCHTRENKER, S. & NIESCHER, P. & PEYERL, M. & STEIGENBERGER, J. (2012); Betonstraßen - Das Handbuch; ISBN: 3-9501576-2-x Zement und Beton Handels- und Werbe-GmbH; Vienna; 215 S. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2011); Introduction of the Life Cycle Costing Factor of Road Infrastructures for the Optimization of Budgeting and Investment Decisions;7th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology ICPT (Peer Reviewed); Bangkok

HOFFMANN, M. (2011); Road Infrastructure Expenditures on National, Regional and Communal Level in Austria. World Road Congress, 26th to 30th of October 2011; Mexico City

HOFFMANN, M. & ZOTTER, F. (2010); Straßenplanung und –projektierung; Teaching Manuscript LVA 233.039 an der TU Wien; Vienna; 400 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2010); Probabilistic Modeling of Long-Term Performance and Service Life of Pavements and Road Infrastructures; in: 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Published by: Japan Road Association (JRA) & International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP); The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Tokyo, 2010, Paper-Nr. 90327, 10 S.

HOFFMANN, M. & STANGL, K. & BLAB, R. (2010); Crude oil sources and cut point as keys for the prediction of the mechanical performance of bitumen"; in: 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements, Published by: Japan Road Association (JRA) & International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP); The 11th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements in Nagoya, Tokyo, 2010, Paper-Nr. 90328, 10 S.

AIGNER, E. & BLAB, R. & EBERHARDSTEINER, J. & FÜSSL, J. & HAUSER, E. & HOFFMANN, M. & HOFKO, B. & JÄGER, A: & KAPPL, K. & LACKNER, R. & SPIEGEL, M. & STANGL, K. & WAGNER, M. & WISTUBA, M. (2009); Funktionale Charakterisierung von Asphalt - Von den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen zur baupraktischen Anwendung; ISBN: 9783901912221 Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften der TU Wien, Vienna, 100 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2009); Low cost Pavement Management System (PMS) for small communities with MS Excel; CETRA Conference 17th to 18th of May 2009; Opatija; ISBN: 978-953-6272-37-2, CETRA 2010 Proceedings S. 417 – 426

HOFFMANN, M. & JEREB, J. & BLAB, R. (2009); Erhaltungsmanagement für kommunale Straßen in der Stadtgemeinde Weiz; Research Report for the City of Weiz; 260 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2007); Daten für die Wegekostenrechnung and Straßen B; Commissioned by the Province of Styria; Graz [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & JEREB, J. (2007); Regionales Verkehrskonzept Bezirk Weiz; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; 2007; 140 S. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2006); Instandsetzung von Straßen – Ein Beitrag zur Lebenszykluskostenrechnung und effizienten Instandsetzungsstrategien für Landes- und Gemeindestraßen; Dissertation, Technische Universität Graz [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2006); Zustandserfassung und Risikobewertung Tunnelanlagen auf Landesstraßen B+L in der Steiermark; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; 2006 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & HOFFMANN, H. & JEREB, W. (2006); Regionales Verkehrskonzept Bezirke Hartberg - Fürstenfeld; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; 2006; 140 S. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & RAST, R. & FEHLEISEN, W. & ROSSBACHER, H. & SCHÖNSTEIN, K. & KAMMERSBERGER, A. & UNGER, S. & WALTL, A. & HINRICHS, R. (2005); Abschätzung des Instandsetzungsbedarfs für die Straßenanlagen der Steiermark von 2006 bis 2010; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government, Graz [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & HOFFMANN, H. & JEREB, W. (2005); Studie zur volkswirtschaftlichen Optimierung von Lärmschutz; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; 2005. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & STROBL, K. (2003); Projekthandbuch Gries - Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung mit Bürgerbeteiligung; Self-financed research with funding from the City of Graz; Graz; 250 S. [German]

HOFFMANN, H. & HOFFMANN, M. (2003); Lärmschutz und Lärmsanierung - Ein Planungsleitfaden für die Raumplanung; Research report for the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government; 2003; 68 S. [German].

Paving roads in Austria (Picture: Gestrata)

Road and winter maintenance:

Hoffmann, M. & Gruber, M. & Hofko, B. & Stinglmayr, D. & Seifried, T. & Grothe, H. & Schoen, A. (2022); WINTERLIFE – Effective, sustainable and non-corrosive de-icing agents in winter maintenance, accepted paper with a presentation, XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress 07-11 February 2022, Calgary 2022

Gruber, M. & Hofko, B. & Stinglmayr, D. & Seifried, T. & Grothe, H. & Schoen, A. & Hoffmann, M. (2022); WINTERLIFE – Minimizing Corrosion effects of de-icing agents in winter maintenance, accepted paper with a presentation, XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress 07-11 February 2022, Calgary 2022

Gruber, M. & Hofko, B. & Grothe, H. & Hoffmann, M. (2021); Forschungsprojekt WINTERLIFE – Tauwirksame, korrosionsarme und effiziente Streumittel; Lecture with invitation ASTRAD Konferenz, Wels 09/2021 [German]

Hoffmann, M., Gruber, M., Leubolt, J., Grothe, H. Koyun, A. N., Seifried, T., Stinglmayr, D., Hofko, B. (2021), WINTERLIFE - WINTERdienst mit effektiven, nachhaltigen und nicht aggressiven Taumitteln sowie optimalen LIFE Cycle Costs der Bahn; Final report VIF2018-Road Infrastructure Research Program, 130 Pages, Vienna [German]

Hoffmann, M. (2021); Straßenwinterdienst - Neue Erkenntnisse und Hinweise für eine effiziente Anwendungspraxis und sichere Landesstraßen; Invited lecture series Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government; Linz [German]

Hoffmann, M. & Donev, V. & Haberl, A. (2021); ASFINAG Streumodell Winterdienst; Interim report and invited presentation for ASFINAG; Vienna [German]

Hoffmann, M. & Gruber, M. & Hofko, B. & Grothe, H. (2021); FFG-Forschungsprojekt WINTERLIFE; Summary of the results for the VIF2021 Kick-Off Meeting on 04.11.2021; Invited Lecture, Vienna [German]

GRUBER, M. R. & HOFKO, B. & HOFFMANN, M. & NEUHOLD, J. (2020); Optimierungspotentiale im betrieblichen Winterdienst; Beitrag Fachzeitschrift Straße und Autobahn; Kirschbaum Verlag 03/2020; S. 230 – 238 [German]

GRUBER, M. R. & HOFKO, B. & KLUGER-EIGL, W. & HABERL, A. & VALENTIN, D. & HOFFMANN, M. (2019); Forschungsprojekt Wirkmodell Streuung, Räumung und Restsalz; Final report commissioned by the federal states, ASFINAG and BMVIT; Vienna, 105 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2018); Präventivstreuung - Reifglätte und Reifprognose; Contribution to FSV Issue No. 18: Differenzierte Feuchtsalzstreuung; Vienna; 11 S [German]

KLUGER-EIGL, W. & HOFFMANN, M. & GRUBER, M. (2018); Zwischenbericht Forschungsprojekt Streuung, Räumung und Restsalz; Contribution to FSV Issue No. 18: Differenzierte Feuchtsalzstreuung; Vienna; 7 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & KLUGER-EIGL, W. & HOFKO, B. & BLAB, R. & STEYRER, G. & BERGHOLD, H. & MAIER-FARKAS, H. & NEUHOLD, J. & GATTRINGER, J. & NUTZ, P. (2018); Thawing capacity, freezing time and high shares of brine as main factors in the success of preventive winter maintenance; Peer reviewed paper XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress, Danzig; 16 S

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. & MAIER-FARKAS, H. & STEYRER, G. & BERGHOLD, H. & KANN, A. & HADZIMUSTAFIC, J. (2018); Implementing a dynamic winter maintenance management with real-time measurements and high-resolution weather nowcasts; Peer reviewed paper XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress, Danzig; 14 S

NUTZ, P. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2018); Development of a road condition model for winter maintenance with de-icers; Peer reviewed paper XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress, Danzig; 13 S

NEUHOLD, J. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2018); Implementation of winter maintenance strategies with increased shares of brine & preventive treatment in lower Austria; Peer reviewed XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress, Danzig; 16 S

HOFFMANN, M. (2017); Handbuch Winterdienst 2017 des Landes Niederösterreich zur Anwendung auf Landesstraßen B+L; Report commissioned by the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government; Vienna-St. Pölten; 73 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. (2016); Winterdiensthandbuch 2016; Grundlagen für den Winterdienst auf Landesstraßen in Oberösterreich; Report commissioned by the Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government; Vienna-Linz; 136 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & DONEV, V. & KANN, A. & HADZIMUSTAFIC, J. & MAIER-FARKAS, H. & STEYRER, G. & BERGHOLD, H. (2016); WINTERFIT II – Echtzeit - Prognosemodellen für den Winterdienst für Fahrbahntemperatur- & Reifentwicklung mit Potenzialanalyse und Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung für den optimierten Winterdienst; Research report for ASFINAG; Vienna; 187 Seiten [German]

HOFKO, B. & STEINER, D. & HOFFMANN, M. & NEUHOLD, J. (2016); Eignungskriterien für auftauende Streumittel im Winterdienst; Strasse und Autobahn, Nr. 10/2016; S789 - 796. [German]

HOFKO, B. & STEINER, D. & HOFFMANN, M. (2016); Eignungskriterien für auftauende Streumittel im Winterdienst; Forschungsbericht im Auftrag der Länder und der ASFINAG; Vienna 2015; 114 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & STEININGER, M & BÖHMER, A. & NEUHOLD, J. (2015); Technische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte von Streuungen mit erhöhtem Soleanteil; Strasse und Autobahn, Nr. 9/2015; S 618 – 626 [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & NEUHOLD, J. (2014); Berechnung und Validierung von Fahrbahnzuständen im Winterdienst – Erfahrungen aus Österreich; Strasse und Autobahn, Nr. 3/2014; S190 - 198. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2014); Holistic winter maintenance model; XIVth International Winter Road Congress; Andorra la Vella, 4-7 February 2014; PIARC; Contribution & Lecture; ISBN 978-99920-0-773-0 Conference Proceedings

NEUHOLD, J. & NUTZ, P. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2014); Innovative winter maintenance guidelines in Austria; XIVth International Winter Road Congress; Andorra la Vella, 4-7 February 2014; PIARC; Contribution & Lecture; ISBN 978-99920-0-773-0 Conference Proceedings 2014

NUTZ, P., & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. (2014); New test procedures for solid and liquid deicer; XIVth International Winter Road Congress; Andorra la Vella, 4-7 February 2014; PIARC; Contribution & Lecture; ISBN 978-99920-0-773-0 Conference Proceedings 2014

NUTZ, P. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. & KANN, A. & BECK, A. (2014); Sensor based adaption of treatment strategies; XIVth International Winter Road Congress; Andorra la Vella, 4-7 February 2014; PIARC; Beitrag & Vortrag; ISBN 978-99920-0-773-0 Conference Proceedings 2014

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. & & KANN, A. & BECK, A. & STADLBACHER, K. (2013); WinterFIT I – Anforderungen an den Wetterdienst und die Sensorik für den Winterdienst; Research report in cooperation with ZAMG for ASFINAG; Vienna; 118 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2013); Technische und wirtschaftliche Bewertung des Solestreugerätes „Stratos Combi Soliqplus“; Research report for ASFINAG; Vienna 2013; 49 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2013); Begleitende Untersuchungen zur Einführung der Solestreuung; Research report for the Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government; Vienna; 49 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2012); Dynamic modeling of winter maintenance strategies and their impact on skid resistance; Vortrag: TRA2012 - Transport Research Arena 2012, Athen; 23.04.2012 - 26.04.2012; Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences / Elsevier, Volume 48 (2012), ISSN: 1877-0428; S. 682 – 691; DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.1046

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2012); New findings in winter maintenance and their implementation in Austria; Vortrag: SIRWEC 2012, Helsinki; 23.05.2012 - 25.05.2012; in: "SIRWEC 2012", (2012), 8 S

NUTZ, P. & HOFFMANN, M. (2012); Towards real-time skid resistance forecast; Vortrag: SIRWEC 2012, Helsinki; 23.05.2012 - 25.05.2012; in: "SIRWEC 2012", (2012), 8 S

NUTZ, P. & HOFFMANN, M. (2012); Optimierter Winterdienst für typische Wettersituationen; Invited Lecture and Contribution: "Winterdienste - Herausforderungen und neue Entwicklungen", ÖWAV, (2012), ISBN: 978-3-902810-52-6; S. 60 - 71. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. & NEUHOLD, J. (2012); Strategien für einen optimierten Winterdienst in Österreich; Straße und Autobahn, Nr. 11 (2012), 11; S. 782 - 788. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. & NEUHOLD, J. (2011); Improved winter maintenance in Austria salt application recommendations for winter maintenance personal and driving recommendations for road users; Vortrag: 7th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology 2011, Bangkok; 03.08.2011 - 05.08.2011; in: "7th ICPT Proceedings", (2011), S. 805 - 818.

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2011); Forschungsbericht Optimierung der Feuchtsalzstreuung; Research Report for Offices of the Provincial Governments, ASFINAG, BMVIT; 2011; 213 S. [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & NUTZ, P. & BLAB, R. (2010); Handbuch Winterdienst - Hinweise für das Winterdienstpersonal zur Sicherstellung einer effektiven Salzstreuung auf Landes- und Gemeindestraßen in Österreich; Research Report for Offices of the Provincial Governments, ASFINAG, BMVIT; 32 S. [German].

Winter maintenance on highways in Austria (Picture: ASFINAG)

Waterway transport and Asset Management

HOFFMANN, M. & HABERL, A. (2018); WAMS I+II – Wasserstraßen Management System; Final report on the research projects from 2012-2015 and 2016-2018 on behalf of viadonau.; Vienna; 82 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & HABERL, A. & HARTL, T. & SIMONER, M. & HASENBICHLER, H.P. (2018); The waterway Danube as smart transport infrastructure of the future; Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria

HOFFMANN, M. & HABERL, A. & KONZEL, C. & HARTL, T. & SIMON, S. & SIMONER, M. (2018); Traffic analysis, fairway alignment and efficient investments in the waterway Danube; Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria

HOFFMANN, M & HABERL, A. & HARTL, T. & KONZEL, C. & SIMONER, M. & KLASZ, G. (2018); Waterway asset management with holistic dredging and sediment management on the Danube; Proceedings of the PIANC-World Congress Panama City, Panama

HASELBAUER, K. & HABERL, A. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R, & SIMONER, M. & HARTL, T. (2017); Derivation of budget requirements for different levels of fairway quality based on harmonized maintenance strategies for inland waterways; ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0 Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel; Taylor & Francis Group, London;

HOFFMANN, M. & HARTL, T. (2017); Actual developments, treatment options and future waterway asset management implementation for the waterway Danube; in: "Life - Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems", ISBN 978-1-138-02847-0 Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems: Emphasis on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Bakker, Frangopol & van Breugel; Taylor & Francis Group, London;

HOFFMANN, M & HABERL, A. & HASELBAUER, K. (2015); WAMS – Wasserstraßen – Management – System; Final report Research Project (11/2012 – 04/2015); confidential, Vienna, 80 S [German]

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & BLAB, R. & HARTL, T. & SIMONER, M. (2014); Transport Economics and impact of waterway asset management on availability and competitivety; 33. PIANC Weltkongress vom 1. – 5. Juni 2014 (peer reviewed); San Francisco

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & HABERL, A. & BLAB, R. & SIMONER, M. & DIEPLINGER, K. & HARTL, T. (2014); A new asset management approach for inland waterways; Transport Research Arena 2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences / Elsevier, Volume XX (2014).

HASELBAUER, K. & HABERL, A. & HOFFMANN, M. & BLAB, R. & SIMONER, M. & HARTL, T. (2014); Performance based waterway management - maintenance strategies and LCC optimization of measures; Vortrag: Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Tokio (invited lecture); 16.11.2014 - 19.11.2014; in: "Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management", Taylor & Francis Group, Proceedings Of The Fourth International Symposium On Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (2014), ISBN: 978-1-138-00120-6; S. 364 - 365.

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & HABERL, A. & BLAB, R. & SIMONER, M. & HARTL, T (2014); Performance based waterway management - transport market and competitiveness; Vortrag: Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, Tokio (invited lecture); 16.11.2014 - 19.11.2014; in: "Life-Cycle of Structural Systems: Design, Assessment, Maintenance and Management", Taylor & Francis Group, Proceedings Of The Fourth International Symposium On Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (2014), ISBN: 978-1-138-00120-6; S. 365 - 366.

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & BLAB, R. & HARTL, T. & SIMONER, M. (2014); Asset Management Organisation and Policies for Inland Waterways; invited Lecture: 33rd. PIANC WORD CONGRESS, San Francisco; 01.06.2014 - 05.06.2014.

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & BLAB, R. & HARTL, T. & SIMONER, M. (2014); Transport Economics and Impact of Waterway Asset Management on Availability and Competitivety; Invited Lecture: 33rd. PIANC WORD CONGRESS, San Francisco; 01.06.2014 - 05.06.2014.

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & BLAB, R. & SIMONER, M. & HARTL, T. & DIEPLINGER, K. (2014); A new asset management approach for inland waterways - A holistic waterway management as a basis for high availability and cost-effective and sustainable investments in waterway infrastructures; Vortrag & Proceedings TRA2014, Paris "TRA2014", TRA, (2014), 10 S.

HOFFMANN, M. & HASELBAUER, K. & BLAB, R. (2013); Feasibility Study WMMS-NEWADA duo; Research report for the viadonau; in the EU – Project NEWADA duo Report-No. 1, Vienna; 88 S

View on the pacific entrance of the extended Panama Canal 2018 (Picture: Hoffmann)


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